NOVEMBER!: Here’s The Story/CRAVE/defrancisCO extended!

In addition to all the wonderful things I get to do in regular life, I have been lucky enough to be asked to do three new things in November that I’m really excited about.

1. Here’s The Story:
On Sunday, November 4th, I will be telling an impromptu story of my own design for the storytelling show! It might not be funny. I kind of hope it isn’t. Or if it is funny, it’ll be of the bittersweet design. Here’s the Story runs at Stage 773 the first Sunday of each month and has a cult following of folks. Super excited to do it and delighted by the improvisational nature of this project.

Tickets are $5 and if you bring a dish for potluck and hanging, it’s FREE. This rules.
Here’s all the information you all might need, plus a sneak peek of performers.

2. Crave Chicago:
Crave is a national group for women who hope to connect by inspiring one another through their own professional or creative design. On November 28th, I will be a keynote speaker on improv and it’s worth in living in the present/humanism, and will be doing a two person show with an audience member who has never done improv thereafter. COME ON.

Want to learn more? Here’s some info on the company.

3. defrancisCO has been extended Nov 1, 8, 15 (with possibly a special show on the 29th).
The outpouring of love from the community has pushed this show into it’s third extension – and I couldn’t be happier. I will be taking a break for the holidays – so now is the time to see this joint. For the month of Nov, however, defrancisCO will carry the bill alone – meaning, there will be a two person show with Tara and a student, then a themed performance each week (announced week by week). It’s all ours!

Here’s info on the show if you wanna get to it.

Thanks for being rad.